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Some suggestions:

  • Slender Man's AI needs improvement. It seems that he always spawns behind you, as opposed to sometimes appearing in front of you or off to the side. Adding an element of unpredictability makes for a much scarier experience.
  • The jumpscares need improvement as well. Even when I look behind me and he's right there, there's no jumpscare sound. It seems to only play once I've looked for a full second, but most people aren't going to do that in the late stages of the game.
  • When Slender Man catches you by collision (insta-kill), he should force you to turn around and look at him, rather than simply instantly cutting to the death screen. I also feel that the distance for being insta-killed is a bit too big.
  • I loved the dedicated VHS style of the game, but I feel the game could be better if you went all-in on this aesthetic. Replace the classic ambient music with something that sounds more digital and diegetic, and the jumpscare sounds could be intense audio glitching (Marble Hornets was excellent at this). You could perhaps make this a separate "Marble Hornets" mode like in the original Eight Pages game.
  • A daytime mode would be nice, perhaps as a reward for beating the game once.
  • Reduce the DoF effect a little bit, it gets difficult to see where you're going.
  • Increase player stamina a bit, it seems very low even by Slender game standards.
  • General optimization would be appreciated. The game needs some reduction in file size if possible, as well as an options menu where one can adjust performance for lower-end devices.

Otherwise this is a great game, and a worthy "remaster" of the original. I absolutely love the VHS style, and I appreciate the nostalgia factor of using the 2012 Slender Man model. Keep up the good work.

Cool remake. Enjoyed it. Clearly good effort put it, well done. I think the depth of field effect is a little excessive, but everything else was very nice

Yes very epic.

epok gaem:)


Happy Halloween!

kinda epic